
Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me

Had a great Christmas but am also welcoming this week off so I can get some sewing done.  First, I wanna show off the beautiful fabric I received (from myself) for Christmas....then I have a few more sneak previews from the progress I made today.
First Up...
Bliss from Thimbleblossoms (Moda Fabrics)
Love this Red & Aqua and actually won 4 fat quarters in the first giveaway I ever participated in.  Thanks to QuiltTaffy. I just had to have more so I went to their Etsy shop and treated myself!

Dream On from Urban Chiks (Moda Fabrics)
 This is gonna be perfect for the next project on my list...a quilt for someone special who loves butterflies!

Fig Tree Fresh Cottons
Can't resist the dots!!

And finally...
The Delilah Collection by Tanya Whelan (Free Spirit Fabrics)
Just because....

Can't wait to work with all the new fun fabric!

In the meantime, I spent most of today sewing. I added the two borders, one solid black and the other checkered and now the top is finished! 

Top Left Side Right Side

Quilting and binding is all that's left.  This project should've been finished long ago but the rush and festivities of the holidays slowed me down a bit. Nice to be back on track! 

Hope your holidays were special and that you're back on track too.

That's all for now.


Faith S. said...

I showed you off at work....had to! Everyone here loves kittens! LOL! (we have major kitty rescue going on here). I can't wait to see it all finished up - don't you dare mail it off before I see it! :)


Christie describeHappy said...

The red and aqua is stunning! I am also falling hard for peach and oranges in the Dream On line. Should be a fun new year of projects and sewing!