
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday Morning Sew-In

I was a little disappointed that I didn't stick to my Friday Night Sew-In commitment at the start of the weekend.  I'd SO been looking forward to it. But, when my friend called and suggested dinner I decided it was more important to visit while we had a chance.  Life has been crazy lately and it was a good decision!  Then when I woke up early on Saturday, I was rested and ready to tackle my current project...the one I can't show and tell...not too much anyway.  Here's another sneak peek.

Hope you had a productive weekend too!


Brigitte said...

OK you've got me interested.

Tabbie said...

It's going to turn out great. I think he's gonna like it. You have made a lot of progress.

Char said...

Oh my! I can't WAIT to see it when it's done! You just amaze's a good thing I have talented friends...otherwise I would have not quilts, pillows, scarfs, hats... ;)

Christie describeHappy said...

Don't feel bad, the same thing happened to me with the Friday night sew-in. I ended up servicing my sewing machine all night.. .but then got up bright and early and sewed nearly till noon. Your project looks very interesting!!