
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inverse Hexies

In math, we use the term "inverse" for operations that "undo" each other or are like the reverse of each other...division is the inverse of multiplication, subtraction is the inverse of addition....etc.  (Now stay with me here....try to many times a day do you think I say that in my classroom??) Just a little math to start your day.   : D

Anyway, I finished 3 hexagon flowers this week.  And each one is the "inverse" of one I posted about last wednesday. I inverted the became the petals, petals became the center.
Just Peachy became Peachy, Just a Bit
Pretty in Pink became Pink 'n' Pretty
Powder Puff became Puffed Powder

And....that's not all I got done.  But that's all for my One Flower Wednesday post.  Looking forward to seeing all of the new flowers this week.


Gerda Hartman said...

Lovely flowers. I make them the same way.

Jeanette said...

Very nice. They look so lovely together.

Karen said...

Very pretty, very clever!!

Marieke said...

Your flowers look wonderful. I ussually do that to: inverse the flower. Great job: math teatcher. Maybe you have the answer to's question?

Jora said...

Lovely flowers; a real pleasure to look at!

greetings, Jora.

Joan said...

Lovely flowers

Leanne said...

wish you lived next door - you could take the kids for maths for me.

Lovely flowers.

Love Leanne Nz

Anonymous said...

I was running out of ideas and here it is a fantastic one. Thanks for sharing.

Quiltstory said...

Very cute and creative, love it!

Sandra said...

Inverse hexagon flowers? What a great concept! I especially like the pink one:)

Renate Bischoff said...

It is a great idea, to make inverse Hexagonflowers.

Char said...

Oh my, maf, I don't think I can take that right now, not after the week I've had! However, those are quite loverly. I always enjoy your posts...You are quite the talented quilter I believe ;)

Kate said...

Hi Wendy..Thanks for visiting my blog,,your flowers are so pretty lovely colours and fabrics..i use this method is amazing how different they look.
Kate xx

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Beautiful flowers! The math stuff makes my eyes glaze over - lol!

Eileen said...

Your "inverse" hexies are great.....Love love the math

Brigitte said...

Thank goodness for the invention of inversety. LOL. I love colours and textures of the fabrics you used.

sunny said...

I've been thinking about doing inverse flowers, and now that I've seen how great yours turned out, I'll definitely make some.