
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Brother!

Another "out of the ordinary summer" and
another month passes between blog posts. 

I'll stick to the short BROTHER had hip replacement surgery
and I've been staying with him to help out while he recovers.

This means I've been away from my OTHER BROTHER....
 ...and do I ever miss it!
But, recovery is going quite well and I should be home soon.

In the meantime I'm making progress on my Raggedy Ann Redwork:
 With the help of my mom, of course!

I've missed blogging too but finally have
had some time to browse and read blogs once again.
It's so nice getting reacquainted with bloggers
who inspire and encourage me.
And I feel like I'm back on track!


Lee Prairie Designs said...

Hope your brother keeps on improving, everyday!

Good to visit your blog, Wendy and happy that you are back posting again...Sometimes we just have to that care of us!

Your red work embroidery blocks are darling!:) Carolyn

Naturally Carol said...

Hi Wendy..I had to do monthly posts there for a while..I know how that feels, you get outta touch with everything. Don't worry, you'll find you feet again very quickly. Lovely redwork. I hope your brother is improving fast.

Karen said...

Wishing your brother a speedy recovery. Loving the Raggedy Ann redwork!!!!

LuAnn said...

I love those Raggedy Ann blocks. Bless you for what you are doing for your brother. I had knee replacement 3 years ago, and it really helps to have a good cheerleader.