
Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Bloomin' (Macro) Monday

From my dad on Mother's Day

Pretty Orchid Blooms!

And from my son, Ian, on Mother's Day
Carnation Blooms!

And while I'm on the subject...
not too long ago I started this bloomin' stitchery...

And ended up with this finish

Still framing it...needs ribbon...
and let it take up space next to this bloomin' picture.

Happy Bloomin' Macro Monday!
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sunny said...

Your flowers are beautiful, and I love your stitchery!!

Faith S. said...

Gorgeous flowers - what great Mother's Day "blooms" from the boyz! Love the stitchery as of these days I may just get around to being creative! Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

The flowers are lovely...and the finished stitchery is a perfect accent next to the picture...such nice work!


Linda in Arkansas said...

Beautiful design on the stitchery - and beautiful workmanship. It looks perfect with the painting.