
Monday, April 2, 2012

Sparkly Markers (Macro Monday)

I'm still in a creative slump with my quilting
and it seems my blogging has taken a slight detour.
Don't worry though...I feel it returning but...
in the meantime I'm experimenting
with my photogrpahy.....
 today's theme ~sparkly markers
not the kind you write with...
but the kind that "mark" your place
I just love my bookmarkers....
and although I've done a fair amount of reading lately
I'm hoping to get back to sewing soon!
Linking up today with
  at Lisa's Chaos.


Sheila said...

I absolutely love those book markers , so pretty !Hugs Sheila

Pat said...

Lovely bookmarks!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty book markers, love how you photographed each hanging from the interesting looking books.


Linda in Arkansas said...

I love those kinds of bookmarkers. I always say I'm going to make some, and then never due. Usually I end up using a scrap of paper - how sad is that? LOL!!!

Kat said...

Beautiful markers! I think it's good for us crafters to have more than one thing we like to make. Quilts will always be my first passion, but beads are a close second. Enjoy the photography, looks like you're really good at it!

Faith S. said...

hmmmm....those are quite pretty...I especially like the Cinderella one - huh, wonder why? ;)
