
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Flutterby Border

Well, I've been busy.
Finished sewing all the rows together and decided on a pink border.
I'm happy with the border color choice
because I know the person this will be
going to likes PINK.

It's such a menagerie of flowers and butterflies,
although not my usual style,
looks so summery and happy
that I'm really pleased with it.

Remember, those 3D butterflies:

And it's almost ready to "fly".
But...I could use your help
deciding which of these three bindings
to go with (below):
What do you think?
Please feel free to leave me a comment
with your choice!
Thanks  ; )


Anonymous said...

Lovin'the green stripe!


Kell said...

I love the green or orange stripe! I would use the green if you want the binding to pop & the orange if you want it to blend in with the center a little more but still have some contrast. The gold w/ white dots just blends in too much to me. Hope this helps!

Shannon said...

I love your quilt. It is so cute. I would have to say I like the orange better. But I am an orange person.

Faith S. said...

Wow, that is REALLY pretty. I think the green stripe would stand out the most with the pink border...but what do I know, I can't sew worth a darn and have not a creative bone in this "sunken-brained" body of mine - LOL!


Naturally Carol said...

Hi Wendy, I love that range of fabric you've been using and the butterfly design is a great to show it off with.

And this would be . . . . said...

Lovely quilt. I like the green stripe.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your quilt is beautiful!!! I would go with the green stripe for the binding.

Staci said...

I like the green. Makes a nice outline around the quilt!

It will be darling no matter which one you choose.

Kathryn D. Duke said...

really like it...I think green!!

Melody said...

This is such a pretty happy quilt. My favorite binding is the green.

Lee Prairie Designs said...

I agree with Melody a very happy quilt indeed!

Thanks for shariny Wendy.

Carolyn :)

Shelina said...

It is a beautiful happy quilt. I like the green stripe the best too.