Doesn't Raggedy Ann make a cute model for my GFG? We should all have time to be so relaxed!
The newest additions are on the left, starting off my 3rd row. Here's a close-up.
Definitely coming along!
Will be checking in to see more flower garden progress
over at One Flower Wednesdays!
Your top is coming along beautifully. Happy Stitching,
Beautiful work, Wendy. And Raggedy Anne looks fabulous there.
Your garden is growing beautifully :)
Awww Raggedy Ann and hexagon flowers! A wonderful combination!
yea row 3!
I wish I had done rows instead of posies- your photos have urged me to change my ways.
Love Leanne
What an adorable shot! Love how your garden is coming along.
Beautiful garden you have. I'm still trying to decide how I'm going to put my flowers together.
Definitely coming along!!! Love the Raggedy Ann photo. :)
Something is wrong with Blogger and I can't use my Google Account to post this comment, so I had to do it by Name/URL.
Yes, I too had trouble posting comments to other blogs yesterday. Go here to the link below for the latest status update...apparently blogger admin knows there's a problem and are looking into it.
Thanks for the link Wendy! Blogger seems to be having problems lately. I feel bad not being able to comment at all on some blogs. Hope it is better tomorrow.
Looks lovely so far. Nice colors.
Your garden is coming along very nice! It looks great. And great two new flowers!
Hi Wendy, love your hexies and your garden is definitely coming along beautifully. I am commenting as anonymous since blogger is not allowing me to use google . Sheila(quiltersworld)
Your garden is so pretty!
Awww...Annie does indeedlook comfortable in the garden. I've been trying to decide how to put my flowers together, and I was leaning towards doing it the way you're doing yours. Now that I've seen it, I'm convinced! Thanks for sharing.
everywhere I turn quilters are making hexagons...and here you are too...i really must start...what method are you using?
Thanks, Kathy
OH - MY - GOSH!! What pretty pictures! Love the bed and Raggedy Ann - and your flowers are gorgeous! That is going to be so beautiful!
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