First let me show you the two flowers added to my GFG quilt.
Pink and Green!
Right there next to my blue dotted flower from last week.
That's two completed rows now!
Don't forget to check out the other gardens at
Back in April, my search for a suitable thimble
lead to The Great Thimble Debate.
That was Round 1 and I'd settled on this one:
But I wasn't completely satisfied and based on
commenters suggestions ended up trying a few more.
First up...
Pros: Disposable, non-bulky, similar to Round 1's winner
Cons: plastic surface is too smooth, needle slides off
Pros: snug (not tight) non-slip, comfy fit, no sweaty fingers, metal tip
Cons: Slightly bulkier than adhesive disks
And finally...
Pros: comfortable leather grip, lets finger breathe
Cons: Absolutely would not stay in place.
(package claimed it was adjustable but no
instructions on how to adjust it)
Drumroll please....
Yep, this is the one I finally chose. Once I got used to the bulkiness,
it was SO comfortable and SO functional, now I don't even realize
I'm wearing it. Honesly, I almost ranked it a tie with the leather disks
from Round 1, and may end up switching off, depending on the project.
But for now, I'm hooked...thanks to Valentina at Valentina's Corner
for the suggestion and also to Linda at Stray Stitches for
suggesting the little leather discs from Round 1.
My flower garden is much more manageable now!!
I'm on a roll...
Your flower garden is looking so beautiful
That thimble does look functional with its hard tip and flexible rubber to wrap around your finger. I think I would like that one too.
Hallo Wendy,
danke fürs Zeigen der Fingerhüte, ich muss mir auch unbedingt sowas anschaffen!
Dein Flowergarden sieht meinem sehr ähnlich, ich genau wie du dasitzt und nähst - so wie ich nämlich. Bloß im Gegensatz zu mir MIT Fingerhut :o)
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!
Hmmmmm....maybe I will have to give that thimble a try. Your garden is growning and looks so beautiful!!
Your garden is growing so beautifully!
I was interested to decide what thimble you would choose. At this point I have metal thimbles (which I don't really like) in three different sizes (depends on how puffy my poor hands are on a given day). I've tried that rubber thimble without success. I think it is the bulk and the thick ring at the bottom. It came off my finger too easily. I was disappointed since it was comfortable. I even tried in different sizes. I don't care for the stick on thimbles. I wash my hands to frequently, and it becomes a waste. My daughter has a Roxanne thimble and loves it. I've thought about trying one, but I'm too cheap! I'd rather spend that money on fabric! Thanks for sharing your thimble testing with us. I love things like this, where quilter's share their choices and reasons behind them!
Your flowers are looking amazing and I really enjoy the thimble debate. As much as I enjoy reading about them each time.. it always reminds me that I don't have a thimble yet. It's back on my to do list. Happy sewing!
Very nice the blue dotted flower.
Gr annemieke.
I love how your garden is looking.The back of the couch is a perfect display! I enjoy your thoughts on the thimbles. I still don't wear one but would love to haveone I felt comfortable in!
Your garden looks great and I think I recognise some of your fabrics!
They look so nice together!
I love all the happy colors :)
Another two flowers...yay! Your quilt is really looking great!
Can your garden get any prettier!!!!! Now, that is funny, I gave the rubber thimble with metal tip a thumbs down when I tried it for hand quilting. The metal tip wobbled all over the place. I'm glad you are on a roll now!
Very colorful flowers.
It is not so easy to find the right thimble.
Lovely flowers, I too am looking at different thimbles. I use a leather coin one, but the thread gets caught in the seams. Thanks for the reviews, I have contemplated a few you tried.
That quilt is going to be gorgeous! I tried to post a minute ago, but "poof" my post went away - don't you hate that?!
Anyway, I still like the thimble disc, it just seems more streamlined - but since I know absolutely NOTHING about sewing... :) LOL!
Happy sewing to all of you!
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