With Valentine's Day coming up I thought it was the perfect time to get back to an unfinished project I call Neopolitan.
It'll be a wall hanging when it's finished and I plan to practice some free motion quilting on it due to its manageable size and the fact it'll stay in my room. Pink's never been one of my favorite colors but mixed with the chocolate and white...it is just yummy and I couldn't resist picking up this charm pack.
The block is called a Dutch Pinwheel and I followed a pattern posted at Twin Fibers.
Hoping to finish by 13th so I can hang it for Valentine's Day.
What really got me thinking about this quilt, in addition to the Valentine's colors, were all the half square triangles. You see, today was a gorgeous day and I spent the morning sipping Starbucks and early afternoon driving from fabric store to fabric store with rays streaming through my sunroof and birthday gift cards burning a hole in my wallet (compliments of some great friends, Char, Tab & Martin).
And burn right through they did.
Check out this Swiveling Cutting Mat I picked up for 1/2 price.
So the next time I need to cut a square (2x) on the diagonal...all I have to do is....position, cut once, then...
Swivel it!
And cut again. (Oh and isn't that a sweet little pair of embroidery scissors? 30% off!)
I also bought a few other sewing notions and a larger cutting mat to replace my old worn one but I didn't photograph that. Instead, have a peek at this cute little fabric combination.
Shhh...can't say yet what they're for.
As you can see it was quite a productive morning. But that's not all. On my sunny, breezy cruise home I happened upon a "new to me" oldies radio station for a real trip down memory lane. So when I arrived back home, I pulled out yet another cool birthday gift ...
...from my family...they thought I could use an updated ipod. This one clips on so I can rock out when I sew and what's even greater......it's got FM radio...so I can tune in my OLD and NEW oldies stations!
And, well you saw the results of my amazing day!
Hope yours was too!
Hey Wendy,
That's lovely.
The pink and brown combo is seriously my weakness!! Fantastic!
What a deal on the swivel mat. I've been wishing for one for a while. I don't know where you are from, but the sun and warmth sounds like SoCal or maybe lower Florida. I know SoAZ was cold, cold, cold this weekend, so it isn't there! It sounds like a perfect Saturday, though, and the iPod is cool! I love oldies stations.
Hey, breaking out and going with pink. Love it. I can't wait to see it, it's beautiful!
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