
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Busy Weekend - Sneak Peek

Seems a bit quiet out in blogland tonight.  A calm end to a busy holiday!  I was so pleased to make progress on my number 1 project and here is another sneak peek...
It is coming together nicely. I'm doing fusible applique (a first for me), machine finishing the edges.  I'm excited to be nearing completion on this one.  Can't wait to bind and gift it!!

Now back to grading tests...oh tomorrow.     : /

P.S.  Also had a great time this afternoon watching my tennis champ, Roger Federer defeat his nemesis, Rafael Nadal in the final tournament of the year.  Go Rog!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Let There Be A Little More Light

Soooo...I never shop Black Friday but yesterday was an exception.  My mom and I found ourselves out among the crowds (not early, mind you) for some last minute birthday gifts. We survived relatively unscathed.  Then, following a short visit with my brother, neice and her sweet little 3 year old boy, I rushed back to meet "the cable guy" who supposedly fixed our reception issues, and finally rushed out to meet a friend for dinner....
...(ok, so this isn't the friend I was talking about but it sure added to the nice dinner).

Anyway, on my way home, I happened to be passing by JoAnne's and remembered an ad I'd seen earlier.  Thankfully, the Black Friday crowd had long since dispersed.  And I found this little treasure.

And then there was light!
I have been wanting (NEEDING) a task light for so long. So, 20 bucks later, I'd say it was a successful Black Friday that led to a very productive saturday in my sewing room.  More sneak peeks to follow! 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Frosty Flakes

****Oops...if you are came here via OFW on 3/30/11,
please click here for Holy Hexagon
I posted the wrong link.*******

Honestly, I didn't plan it this way, but with all the record temperature lows lately, I think my One Flower Wednesday post this week will fit in nicely.

See, I've been experimenting with 1/2 inch hexies (usually mine are 1 inch).   Here's one using Christmas fabric I've had around for a really long time.


 They make the cutest little flowers.  Here's one in progress and with a little perspective. (Although the photo doesn't do the color justice. Having so much trouble with my camera lately...awful color in the pic below.)
But the real fun was turning them into Frosty Flakes.  I got the pattern from Dawn over at As Sweet As Cinnamon and tried my hand.  (I really must go post my frosty flakes on her Flikr stream...but I'm so tired I'm falling maybe tomorrow.)(yawn!)

I haven't embroidered in years, so my first attempt is a bit rusty.  But I thot it was an adorable idea to add embroidery and beads to create these snow flakes.
Here's my second Frosty Flake and I feel like my stitching is improving with time.

So there you have it.  I'm thinking, instead of making a small wall hanging, I might just create a mug rug around each of these babies.  We'll see how creative I can be.

Thanks for visiting and have a warm, safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mint Chip

I only recently started blogging about my quilting adventures so the quilt I want to share for Fabric Tuesday today is not a current project. I finished it about a year ago.  It is a special quilt because it was the first quilt I made from fabric I "couldn't resist" and picked out without knowing what it would turn into. 
It is also the first quilt I made entirely for myself.  Extra long lap/nap quilt and I love it! (I have since found myself choosing lots of fabric I "can't resist", with no concrete plan. Finding that to be a common theme for quilters.) 
Anyway, I love the retro teal or aqua & brown/dots and paisley.  The block is called a "sailor's star"  and I named the quilt MINT CHIP after my favorite ice cream, (yum). 
The backing fabric is the inverse of the brown stars on the front.  And now that it's finally getting cold here, it's getting lots of use!
Hope you have a terrific, thankful week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday Morning Sew-In

I was a little disappointed that I didn't stick to my Friday Night Sew-In commitment at the start of the weekend.  I'd SO been looking forward to it. But, when my friend called and suggested dinner I decided it was more important to visit while we had a chance.  Life has been crazy lately and it was a good decision!  Then when I woke up early on Saturday, I was rested and ready to tackle my current project...the one I can't show and tell...not too much anyway.  Here's another sneak peek.

Hope you had a productive weekend too!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inverse Hexies

In math, we use the term "inverse" for operations that "undo" each other or are like the reverse of each other...division is the inverse of multiplication, subtraction is the inverse of addition....etc.  (Now stay with me here....try to many times a day do you think I say that in my classroom??) Just a little math to start your day.   : D

Anyway, I finished 3 hexagon flowers this week.  And each one is the "inverse" of one I posted about last wednesday. I inverted the became the petals, petals became the center.
Just Peachy became Peachy, Just a Bit
Pretty in Pink became Pink 'n' Pretty
Powder Puff became Puffed Powder

And....that's not all I got done.  But that's all for my One Flower Wednesday post.  Looking forward to seeing all of the new flowers this week.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sunday Monday Blues

So does anybody else start getting the Monday Morning Blues on Sunday night?

Actually it starts early sunday morning for me most weekends.  I just dread the rush of the week, no time to think....or do anything besides the grind of work.  But today I didn't let it get the best of me.  Got some housework done and then gave myself all afternoon to sew.

 A few more sneak peeks at the quilt I can't show yet! 
Now gonna veg with some hand sewing......

And then try to keep some balance by allowing myself a bit of time to sew every night...even if it's just long enough to make a few 9 patch blocks like these.

Hoping you all have a productive and satisfying week!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Night Sew In

Hey, I just signed up over at Handmade by Heidi for the next FNSI scheduled November 19th.  Can't wait to set aside an evening just for quilting (or scrapbooking which also needs some attention).  Anyway, if you're interested click the button below and get signed up. Guess there'll be a big giveaway too!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A for Effort, C for Craftiness

Ok, so I've never been much of a CRAFTY person.  Needlework and sewing, well ok, but otherwise basic craftiness I just don't have the patience for.  BUT, I recently ran across a handy little notion...a finger pincushion.  I already own several pincushions including one I can wear on my wrist when sewing at my machine.  Yet, when I was introduced to the idea of a finger pincushion I instantly wanted one, knowing it would be ideal for hand sewing especially for hexagon flowers where I often switch between a needle and pin.  So when I saw one in a pic of a blogger acquaintance, I asked her about it.  She briefly described how I could make my in spite of my craftiness handicap, I gave it a whirl.  Here's what I came up with. 
Well, aside from being a bit lopsided and maybe a tad large (most I've seen aren't wider than the base), it actually is extremely comfortable and functional too.  So I give myself a C!  Seriously though, laying by itself (see below) it reminds me of those ring pops kids were running around with a few years back, lol....

Also makes me think of Mario & Luigi in that video game my son was mesmerized by when he was little...I believe there was a MUSHROOM character...that looked similar to this...

All in all it was an interesting experiment.  Not to mention, I contributed to saving the environment....did my GREEN deed and reused a plastic bottle cap! 

See all the magic that happens when I have a day off?!?

Make you wonder what's in store for tomorrow? 

Think I'll stick to quilting where I just might earn that A!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Not too long ago, I posted what I thought would be my final hexagon flower for the quilt I'm making.  I was ready at that point to start in on the white border pieces.  But then I decided to make sure my original plan would give me the size I anticipated.  Now, since I teach math, normally I don't have a problem with calculating and recalculating.  But, honestly, sometimes after work I just can't stand the thought of doing more math.  So, I decided to just go ahead and sew some together and measure with my arms to reach the desired width.  Here's the hexie chain....

And the verdict....need to go wider and consequently a bit longer than planned.  So then I "had" to do the math and .... I need 40 more?!  Ah, well I love sewing the hexie flowers so I just got busy.  Here's 3 I finished this week. 
Just Peachy
Pretty in Pink
Powder Puff
I usually try to do one per night, so hopefully I can get back on track and keep up the pace... well maybe every other night!

Oh, and don't forget to stop by One Flower Wednesday's to see more hexagon projects and progress...there's a button on my sidebar.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The NOT-SEW Blues

Suddenly empty-nested and up-rooted, I haven't revved up my sewing machine in about a month!  Got me kind of down.  Hopefully will have things back in order by this afternoon and get moving on my next few quilting adventures. Took a quick shopping trip yesterday (to cheer myself up) and happened upon a few items I need for some "secret" projects  next on the cutting table.  

 Shhh...I can't tell what's in the works but here's a sneak peak.
Up first...Pretty Pastels

Hmm...and this little piece was the perfect find to complete what I need for another.

Curious? Check back soon!   ; )