Of course, when I told her what I'd done, she started hinting about the possibility of getting a pillow to go along wither her quilt. Thus, the idea was born. And, although it's been almost 3 years, I am quite proud I followed through and finally made her Hope's Haven Pillow.
It was fun arranging the 4 blocks but a little stressful as well. See, I have a hard time with "random" patterns...they always look off balance...but I finally got something I could live with. Since this was my first pillow, I read a lot of blogs looking for tips, tricks and different styles of pillows. Borrowing from many of them, this is how it turned out.
Chose the border, backing and binding fabrics....oh and some cute buttons...
Decided to go with overlapped backing so the pillow form could be removed
and (my own idea here) fasten the opening with those cute buttons.
Got to experiment with the automatic buttonholer feature on my machine....wow, so easy!
And.....here's the finished product....front...
Using the third button on the front center was an afterthought really
But I love buttons....and liked how that turned out. Here's the back.
And there you have it, Hope's Haven coordinating pillow. Happy Birthday, Char!
Hmmm, this is quite a BEAUtiful pillow! What a lucky friend you have! ;)
That is such a pretty pillow, what a nice friend you are! Thank you so much for linking to our party, we hope to see you many more times! Also, we're following too :)
And the "linking back", you did it perfectly. We just ask that you mention us in the post and provide a link in the post or on your sidebar back to our blog, which you did! Thanks so much for your support :)
great pillow! I love the colours&fabrics which you pick up to make this pillow!
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