We headed to the coast on my second day in town.
Here's what we saw in Newport.
Also went to the aquarium where Leslie is training so
she can volunteer to work there and for the research center next to it.
My favorite was the otter swirling around and pounding
the clam shell...he looked so content.
And of course, my boys had to join the PIRANHAS...in their tank. Goofballs!
Their favorite of the day, I believe was the huge ANACONDA
...notice NO pic of THAT...totally creeped me out!!
We had a nice dinner and headed back to Corvallis just as it started to rain. (which it did ALOT!)
And then there were TULIPS...everywhere! I even heard about a tulip farm but didn't get a chance to get out to see it. But let me tell, you just had to take a look in almost every yard and you would see tulips in all sizes and colors. I'm sure they all got tired of me going on and on about the tulips. But they were pretty. The only photos I got were these from the hotel parking lot and one lone tulip in front of my son's apartment.
Sadly, this is my last day here.
I already miss my kids and I'm not even out of town yet. : (
Anyway, as for my April quilting,
most of what I completed I already shared.
With the exception of the fully completed blocks for my swaps.
Block Swap Adventure for Sue called Blazing Arrows.
Let's Bee together for Melinda called Four Winds
(Don't those look like tulips in there?)
So...the only good thing about ending my trip is that I get to go home and SEW some more!
As for now, I must pack and catch my flight!