Ha, I actually heard that line in a movie. Ok, it was a nerdy animated movie about polygons living in Flatland who dare to dream there was a 3rd dimension (above and below them). I showed it in my geometry classes last friday introducing it as a 3D movie. The students kept asking where their 3D glasses were...imagine their disappointment to learn it was a math movie! Anyway, my point was...one of the polygons yells out "holy hexagon" and I seem to have adopted the exclamation! Thought it was fitting for my One Flower Wednesday post. I've started attaching rows using my white stepping stones.
It's so fun to finally see it taking shape! Although it is going to be quite a process. I did a complete layout and organized the rows and have been stitching away. My fingers are a bit sore...mostly from the cute little white dots...those are kind of tough, sticky bits that make it hard to slide the needle through. So I avoid them wherever I can but sometimes I just have to push through. I'm not comfortable with a thimble so I'm constantly removing it and putting it back on. Other than that, I'm enjoying my flower project.Hope your garden is coming along too!