"Cat" Heaven
(I'm posting for and linking to Quiltstory's, Fabric Tuesday...button on my sidebar!) |
Finally, I can post this finish. Intended as a Christmas present for my middle son, Erik and his honey Leslie, I didn't get it sent until a week or so after the new year. So what happens when your Christmas present is 2 weeks late? It becomes an early Valentine's Day gift. <3
When I saw this pattern, I knew it was perfect for Erik & Leslie and their little mini zoo! Their cats, Butch and Bruce share their home with an assortment of reptiles...at the moment Steve, the snake and (oops, I can't remember the name) a cute little gecko. Erik loves his kitties and well, Leslie is working on her Wildlife Biology degree at Oregeon State University (go beavers!!). A former pet shop employee, she had the tendency to bring work home with her. ; )
Anyway, the pattern is by McCalls and is called Stairway to Cat Heaven. The cats are hand appliqued and the moon is machine appliqued. (Machine applique was way too stressful for me so I am sticking with the hand sewing.)
Here's the blocks in the stairway showing those things cats love....
Gold fish for toying with...and what's left of dinner fish....
And in their world...geckos....
And of course leaving their love prints all over everything!Anyway, they love the quilt and are supposed to be sending me pics of them with it....and the whole brood....we'll see!! In the meantime, here's a few more shots. Too bad you can't see all the colors in person. I was SO pleased with how it turned out!!
The backing fabric is cat paw prints...
And the binding is made from the starry night sky fabric.
I had a great time choosing the fabric and putting it all together. A fun project that I'm very proud of!
Hope you are having a FANTASTIC fabric tuesday!