
Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas "Cuties" (Macro Monday)

Christmas Morning "Cuties"
Love the fresh,
sweet flavor
and fragrance
of a tiny tangerine.

Linking up with

Monday, December 19, 2011

To Infinity...

I've seen these neck warmer/looped scarves in catalogues and online but just recently heard one referred to as Infinity Scarf by my fellow math geek over at Cut to Pieces.  (So nice to hear someone else speak fondly of math.)

Quick, I'll show you my version, then talk about the geeky math part.
You can kind of see the figure eight in the middle just like the math symbol for infinity.

Actually, the scarf is constructed as a Mobius strip, where the ends are connected to form a ring. BUT one end is flipped (switching the front with the back) and then attached to the other end.

To wear it, put it over your head, twist it, then put it over your head again.
(Like you would a pony tail holder!)

It makes a fluffy, comfy attractive little neck warmer
or simply a pretty fashion accessory if you prefer.

In the tutorials I followed (here and here), they all paired flannel
with a different fabric of their choice. 

 I may do that with future scarves, but since I was making this as a gift for my mom,
I knew she'd appreciate the more satiny lining I used with the batik.
Amazingly, I came across the little bracelet as I was leaving the store with my fabric.
It was the perfect finish for my mom's birthday gift.

And she liked it so much she agreed to model it for me.
Wasn't that sweet!

This was such an EASY gift to make, I think I see more of them in my future.
Including one for myself!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sweet Dreams

Seems like I usually get some sewing in on Saturdays and so it was again this weekend.  And since I don't have much Christmas sewing planned, I decided to finish a project I started back in October.
Let's just call it my pillow project.  You see I sleep with about a dozen pillows (due to bad sinuses and such). Ok so not quite a dozen, but I decided I needed to spruce up my pillow collection with some nice new cases.  So, I got online and ordered this fabric that I thought would complement and update my decor.
It's called Amelia, by Me and My Sister for Moda, and Crazy for Dots by RJR.
I just love that fun paisley but I haven't cut into it yet. 
But here's what I came up with using the other three.
I looked at lots of tutorials and settled on this one.
I loved the cuff with a special trim and I got to learn something new to me called french seams.
It went together so fast and easy peasy (and the hidden seams are awesome!)

So, one more like this and then I'll decide what to do with that paisley!

And I know it's a bit late for a project that started at the beginning of this year,
but I'm thinking I just might join in on The 1 Million Pillow Case Challenge!
Have you heard of it?

Anyway, here's to a good night's sleep.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Macro Monday

Being the wanna be photographer I am, I enjoy browsing photography websites.  Recently I came across a site with a linkup called Macro Monday.  It's a place to share macro (close up) photos and I thought I'd join in this week. 

So look what we found on the Christmas Tree while getting the stand ready:
Isn't she (he?) cute!
Just the other night I saw on the news a story about a family who set up their tree
and eventually found a creature inside.  Guess what it was?
I'm quite relieved I got the Lady Bug instead!!
You might want to go check your tree. : D
Have a great week!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Occupy Results (Spoiler Alert for Marta!)

My "Occupy Your Sewing Room" results are fewer than planned but I did manage to finish my December block for Let's Bee Together swap...EARLY!  Honestly, how could I go wrong with this beautiful Christmas fabric Marta sent us? 
She requested a star block and I found this one called High Tea
from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 3.
It was actually a little tougher going together than
I thought it would be but I'm happy with the results.
Thanks to Cat Patches and her creative idea that helped get me focused,

Now, here's what I did when I wasn't occupying my sewing room:
I single handedly carried my the tree up the apartment stairs!
My dad offered to help, but I had to remind him
I am WOMAN, hear me....(some of you will be able to fill in the blank)   ; )

Here's how it turned out.
My favorite part is the star!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Now I'm off to finish the decorating!
P.S.  The little wreath ornament was a gift Marta included in the fabric she sent. Sweet!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A whole lotta not much...

I was hoping since I joined in the Occupy Your Sewing Room movement, I'd be a little more productive with some of my ongoing projects.  And although I've spent a fair amount of time in my sewing room, I don't have a whole lot to show for it. 

But I AM proud of what I have accomplished so far. 
Last night I was able to finally finish a belated block for the Let's Bee Together swap.
It is really late...supposed to have been put in the mail by November 25th.
But thankfully, Staci has already forgiven my tardiness!

The block is called Fly Foot and it was super easy.
Partly because she sent us this paper called Triangles on a Roll
to use for making the half-square triangles. Have you tried this stuff?  I really liked it!

Anyway, she also requested we press all the seams OPEN, which I haven't done since I used to sew clothing when I was younger.  If felt kind of wierd and made it a little more difficult to match up seams, but it did make the block lay nice and flat...
...AND I thought the back turned out kinda cool that way!
Btw Staci, I even got it in the mail today so it should get to you soon.

So, it may not be a lot, but it IS something!
I kind of thought working from home might give me more time for my hobbies,
but that hasn't panned out so far.

But, although I haven't had much time to do any Christmas crafty sewing I've managed to squeeze in a bit of time to visit blogs and see what a lot of you have done. Lots of great ideas out there even though I may never get around to trying any of them! Maybe I'll see you around!

Til then, thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Finally, with the help of all of you who were so kind to give me your opinion and advice,
my first Dresden plate is complete!
I went with option #2, the darker blue center.
I really like it and now all I need to do is follow through with making it into a pillow.
Thanks again for your help!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reach Out!

After being at my new job just a few short weeks (back in August), I quickly became aware of the latest trendy catch phrase in the online world of education. When you're in need of advice, opinions or any other information, you are encouraged Reach Out to your co-worker or Reach Out to your supervisor.  When your students are in need, Reach Out to them.  (Honestly, it kind of gets on my nerves.) But, after working on this sewing project last weekend, I've decided to Reach Out to you all to help me decide on a finish. A few people who saw my post, guessed I was working on a Dresden Plate that will be made into a pillow.

And you were right.  Here's what I have so far!
But now I'm stuck.
Which fabric should go in the center?
I don't want to go outside this fabric line, but I just can't decide what looks best.
So I'm Reaching Out!  Care to give your opinion?
The choices are below and I'd love to hear which one you'd choose and why!
Click on the picture for a closer look, then leave me your choice in a comment.

Thanks for helping me out!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Just one more...

I really need to get started on my next big project but again I stumbled onto another block I've been longing to try. (So many things on the back burner!)  Anyway, I decided to do just one more experiment with my favorite fabric...any guesses as to the block?

Here's how I started.....hint #1

and then
I'm sure you've got it now.
What do you think it'll be?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

No Trick Photography This Time

Linking up with Fabric Tuesday over at QuiltStory:
Last weekend I decided to try my hand at foundation paper piecing and started this Circle of Geese.
As you can see I finished it...this is not the trick photography of my last post.  ; )

But I did enjoy photographing from different angles.
Right in the CENTER.

Backing out.

And further out.

I just love the kaleidoscope effect of this block 
and can't wait to try other fabric combinations!

If you're interested in trying, go here for the pattern and here for some inspiration.

Oh and just one more shot...
Okay, okay just a little more trick photography.  ; )